Saturday, June 2, 2007

Forest Gump Theology

Yes, I said Forest Gump. He was one of the greatest philosophical minds of our time. Read on.

I was converted in a church, where I heard from the pulpit, "I hate the doctrine of predestination!" That Baptist church and the writings of Billy Graham colored my view of the world and the Bible. I entered college a confirmed Armenian. "Free Will" only! I acknowledged the Sovereignty of God side of spectrum, but in the end it was all about our decision to follow God. Goodness, we ask people to "choose God", "Give their lives to Jesus", etc. We must have free will, right.

Then, I actually read the Bible. I underlined passages I liked, like those where a man chooses God or where Jesus died for the whole world. But, I was confused about the words of Paul. If I had anything to do with my salvation then I might have a reason to boast, but Paul said that I was left without a reason, by reason of God's divine choice. (see 1 Cor 28 & 29) Jesus himself said that "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him." (see John 6:44) So, confronted with these passages and others, I had to change my mind to be in line with the Scriptures. Now, I'm a card carrying 5-Point Calvinist.

But, what about those passages pleading with us to choose God's way? What of my own decision to follow Jesus? Did I really choose Him?

Enter Forest Gump. We've all seen the movie. Remember at the end, where he is standing beside Jenny's grave, waxing eloquent. You probably had a tear in your eye; I admit I did. He said he didn't know if LT Dan was right and we all had a destiny, or if Mama was right and we are all just floating around on the breeze. Then, a moment of clarity - "Maybe both are happening at the same time." Destiny vs. Chance and Sovereignty of God vs. Free Will; the connection isn't hard to make. GOD IS SOVEREIGN. Yet, it feels like we have more pull in the matter then is accurate. We don't see God enabling us to come to faith or to choose Him, but that doesn't change the fact that he did it. And we choose the Son and put our faith in Him because God sovereignly choose us before the creation of world to be His children.

I'm a sovereignty of God freak and a 5-Point TULIP Calvinist, but I don't get into arguments with Armenians. I understand that Forest Gump was right. Objectivity, God did it. Subjectively, it sure felt like I had to give my life to Him. I understand the reality and am left without a reason to boast. "Maybe both could be happening at the same time."

“That’s all I have to say about that.”

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